Quit For Good

Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
2 min readAug 25, 2021

Perhaps it’s time to start choosing our own endings instead of having them chosen for us.

In a world that values human doing over human being, to “quit” something has gotten a bad rap.

We often associate quitting with giving up or not following through-assuming that to quit is to fail.

When, in reality, everything has a lifecycle-a beginning and an end. Quitting is a natural part of ending. Ending by choice.

And we’ve certainly had a front-row seat to a tremendous amount of endings in the past 18 months-many of these endings happening out of our control.

Perhaps it’s time to start choosing our own endings instead of having them chosen for us.

What is something in your life that you’re ready to change: A job? Habit? Relationship? And what would happen if you gave yourself permission to end it?

You might feel a better sense of control over your choices… and your life.

Remember: Everything is already dynamic and changing whether we realize it or not. And it’s always within our power to choose to change.

Ending something that isn’t working can create space for something new. Something better.

Are you ready to give yourself the opportunity to quit something for good?

Think about it.

Want to talk about something you’re ready to quit? Schedule a free 30-minute chat with me at connect.michaelcreative.com

Originally published at https://michaelcreative.com on August 25, 2021.



Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Transformation Coach| Author | Relentless Optimist | HuffPost, Medium, Thrive Global Blogger. Find clarity & balance on your career path. http://bit.ly/2qV87pg