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No Work/Life Balance? Try This Instead
Is there really such a thing as work/life balance?
Let’s start with the literal definition: The word balance implies harmony or equilibrium among opposing elements. Imagine what this looks like on a scale — work and life are not only separated, but at opposite ends of the spectrum.
This common view of work/life balance supports the idea that work and life are separated. And our environments highlight this perception of work/life separation since most people leave their home to go to work each day.
This separation creates an illusion that our work and personal lives are two different worlds and should be treated as such.
Now we must be two different people: personal “me” and work “me.”
The illusion of separation pulls us apart.
Now consider a different picture. Visualize life as a big circle with work as one of many different circles contained within it; the various activities of our lives are constantly flowing in and out of these circles. Now work and life are not opposing elements; instead, work is one element in a much larger life.