Member-only story
Feeling Stuck? Try Stepping Back
We all have frustrating moments -times when we really want something to happen and it just won’t budge.
So we keep trying. But when it still feels like nothing is happening, the more we try; and then when things don’t change, we just feel worse-especially when we’ve been patient… or at least thinking we’ve been patient.
It’s like getting your car stuck in wet, thick mud. The more you try to get out, the more your wheels spin and dig you deeper in the ground.
Sometimes life feels like that. We try and try, but end up only digging ourselves in deeper into frustration or disappointment.
So what’s the solution? Without some sort of assistance-which sometimes we find and sometimes we don’t-we’re left to figure this out on our own.
How about walking away? At least, for the time being.
What?! That seems counterintuitive. Why don’t we just try harder?
If we’re truly stuck in the muck, we may need to wait for a change in state-a transformation. Sometimes we need to walk away from the problem and wait for conditions to change.
In the mud example, what happens after a storm passes? The sun comes out and dries up the moisture and the mud eventually solidifies.